Established in 2018, the Wineman Mentoring Advantage Program (MAP) fosters meaningful relationships between Phi Kappa Psi alumni and current undergraduate members. The connections made through MAP help prepare students for life after college and enhances the lifelong connection that brotherhood in Phi Kappa Psi provides. It is built on the principles of Phi Kappa Psi and enhanced by mentoring best practices from colleges, universities and companies worldwide.

Why to become a mentor or mentee
To cultivate men who are self-aware, cultured, active members in their communities and looking to make a meaningful impact in all their personal and professional endeavors.PROGRAM GOALS
- Build personal relationships that provide an ongoing source of encouragement, support and information to participants
- Provide mentees with vocational guidance and career support
- Assist in the development of each participant’s academic, professional and personal well-being Engage alumni mentors as guides to share insights into their own life and employment experiences
In the spirit of brothers helping brothers, MAP enables alumni to share their professional and personal experience and expertise with current undergraduate Phi Psis. It is important to bring alumni and current members together to navigate this unique period of uncertainty together. As an alumni mentor, you will have the opportunity to advise member(s) on academic guidance, career advice and personal development. We encourage mentors and mentees to connect on a regular basis (i.e. once a month phone call, in person meeting, or email conversation). However, the frequency and form of communication are things you both can determine depending on your schedules. Alumni do not have to be located near a Phi Psi chapter to have an impact. Whether you are right down the street or across the country, we invite you to be part of Phi Psi’s premier mentoring program, MAP.UNDERGRADUATE MENTEESHIP
As a Phi Psi brother, you have exclusive access to a robust network of alumni who are eager and willing to meet you and share their wisdom and advice about life after college. Your network is more important now than ever before and this program is designed to help build your support system. MAP is a unique opportunity for you to form meaningful and lasting relationships with alumni that will extend beyond your time on a college campus. As a program participant, you will have a chance to request a mentor to assist you with academic guidance, career advice and personal development. Paired mentors and mentees will connect on a regular basis (i.e. once a month phone call, in person meeting or email conversation). However, the frequency and form of communication are things you both can determine.
Chad Chelo (Rhode Island ’17)
“COVID-19 has greatly changed my college experience. It really made apparent the stresses of student loan payments and housing lease expenses despite not being able to physically live on campus anymore. On top of the financial stress, there is a constant struggle to keep up with classwork, exams and video calls, while also trying to find employment opportunities to pay for day-to-day expenses. Luckily, I had the opportunity to connect with some Phi Psi alumni at the PIVOT leadership program to help figure out some of my time management and financial issues I had been facing. It was life changing to hear from valuable alumni mentors and have an outside perspective on my situation. I’m glad to see that the alumni relationships I developed at PIVOT are continuing through the mentor program MAP.”
MAP is an academic-year-long immersive program built to cultivate men who are self-aware, cultured, active members in their communities and looking to make a meaningful impact in their personal and professional endeavors. The program is designed to foster the development of personal and leadership skills within undergraduate members through a mentoring relationship.
The MAP is built to enable you to:
- Build personal relationships that provide an ongoing source of encouragement, support, and information to undergraduate participants
- Provide students with vocational guidance and career support where applicable
- Assist in the development of participants academically, professionally and personally
- Establish alumni mentors as role models for undergraduate members
- Provide undergraduate brothers with a competitive advantage in academic, personal and professional matters
Building the mentee-mentor relationship should be expected to take 1-2 hours per month. Various program, chapter events or workshops may take an additional 1-2 hours per month. The overall expectation is 2-3 hours per month.
Each match between undergraduates and alumni mentors is carefully considered to ensure the best possible interaction between participants. Information considered during the process includes geographic location, major, extracurricular interests and career objectives.
Both the mentor and mentee will spend time building the mentoring relationship through various means of communication including in person meetings, video chat, phone call, LinkedIn messaging and text messaging (least preferred except to set up meetings).
If at any time either party is unsatisfied with the match, please contact [email protected] and we will be happy to attempt a new match. The mentoring relationship is based on trust and honesty. From the beginning, both parties will be asked to draft a mentoring agreement, which will outline their respective goals and expectations. If for some reason the relationship is not what one party expected, they must acknowledge the problem and can move to dissolve the relationship. Clear definition of expectations will ensure that there are not hurt feelings on either part if the mentoring were to seize.